Yes, yes, I am very well aware that games have already been played for two nights now, placing us well into week 6 and some of you may very well be reading this while Saturday's games are in progress or done. Blame a work week from hell and my cat betraying me and rebooting my computer while attempting to do all the data entry last night. But hey, the good news is the rankings are done and are finally making their debut here at HLS. For those unaware of what the NDtex25 is, I will do a ...
HLS Adds the Texas Pipeline
Well, howdy y'all! Some of you my know me from my own blog or from my rather colorful Twitter account (which by the way, you should follow), but for those of you that do not, let me introduce myself. My name is Ryan Ritter, aka NDtex, and, as of today, am the newest contributor to Her Loyal Sons. DMQ reached out to me last week to ask if I'd consider blogging ND Football exclusively for HLS and I was very excited to accept, finally giving HLS a much needed southern presence. As far as my ...